Couples Summer Mini Session || Naples Photographer, SWFL Photographer

Summer 2020 Mini’s

Couples Truck Mini Session

SWFL Photographer

You guys, I know I’ve been talking about mini sessions for months…. I know I know. But I finally started to feel comfortable enough to start taking on regular sessions, so I want to do it in baby steps. I still would love to do family mini’s for this summer, but as of now  I still want to wait a little longer. Since those sessions will be booked back to back, I just don’t think it would be smart or safe for my clients. I really want to emphasize safety for my clients as well as myself, because that is the most important thing to me.

So I figured I would offer a super discounted price to do a fun couples mini session. This is something I have never ever offered. And I literally am squealing from excitement as I am typing this. I just love how simple and fun these sessions can be. They are sooooo romantic, so moody (even if we have rain clouds in the background cue the notebook scene) and something fun to do in the summer. PLUSSSSS I know this will be the only session your guy won’t mind because he gets to show off his cool whip. Don’t have a truck? That’s okay, guess what if you don’t have one you get to play with my fun jeep for some beautiful pictures.

*** These will only be offered twice a week in the summer. WEEKDAY EVENING SESSION ONLY - THESE WILL BE SHOT AT SUNSET TIME 7:40 PM. ONLY TWO MINI’S WILL BE OFFERED A WEEK. SO IF YOUR WANT IN, MESSAGE ME ASAP. Since I’m booked in July, I cannot offer any other dates. I am so grateful for that, such a blessing, thanks to you***


Available dates: July 7th, July 15th, July 17th, July 21st, July 24th, July 28th



Location 2

Marina Trejo