Letter to my son || Mother's Letter


Baby Luis

My sweet baby boy,

This blog isn’t for everyone, this blog is for you. Before I was a mom, I heard a saying about motherhood “The days seem long but the years are short”. And I never really quite understood that saying until I became your mother. I have never claimed to know it all, to be honest some days I just fake it till’ I make it. But I’m doing my best and I really pray it’s enough.

I love seeing you grow, every day you surprise your dad and I with something new. You are so smart baby boy. But if I’m being honest it also makes me sad. I try not to think about it because it makes me cry sometimes.

I don’t want you to grow up. If I had it my way I would keep you little forever, just so I could protect you. I know that’s unrealistic but my heart breaks at the fact that one day you won’t need me quite like you do right now.

The way you stare and smile at me when you first wake up, or the way you touch my face before you close your eyes to fall asleep. My eyes are tearing up as I’m writing this letter to you.

Words will never be able to express how thankful I am everyday that God let me be your mom. There isn’t one night that goes by that we don’t pray with you. I pray for the man I want you to be. A God fearing man. I pray that you are a hard worker with the heart of your daddy. I even pray for your wife, every night. Wherever she is, I pray that she compliments you in every way. That she loves the Lord with all of her heart. I pray that she’s beautiful inside and out and loves you so deeply because I am going to raise the man of her dreams.

You are my entire world, you and daddy.

